Diabetes Case History


In spite of this huge dose of insulin and six other medications, Jim’s glucose readings averaged between 350 – 400. This was the case “no matter what I eat,” he said. J was already following the precise dietary recommendations of a dietician.

At his first visit with me, when he began following my nutritional program for diabetics, I reduced his insulin dose down to 130 units per day. J and I spoke over the phone over the next few days, and I continued to decrease his insulin gradually.

Within five days, his glucose was running between 80 and 120, and he had lost ten pounds. At this juncture, I put him on 45 units of Lantus insulin at bedtime and 6 units of Humalog regular insulin before each meal for a total of 63 units per day.

At his two week visit, he had lost 16 pounds. I was already stopping some of his blood pressure medications and he was taking a total of 58 units per day of insulin.

After the first month on the program, I was able to stop all his insulin and start J on Glucophage (one of the safer oral medications). He lost 25 pounds in the first five weeks and his blood glucose readings were well controlled without insulin. His blood pressure also came down to normal and he no longer required any blood pressure medications.

I had also found that J had an elevated homocysteine when we checked his blood tests. With the appropriate supplementation of a specific form of folate that he required (methyl tetrahydrofolate), his homocysteine returned to the normal range.

Five months later, J was off medications for diabetes, he no longer had high cholesterol or high blood pressure, and he was over 60 pounds lighter. His kidney insufficiency had normalized as well.

This case illustrates not merely how powerful the high nutrient eating approach is at reversing diabetes, but how disease promoting the standard dietary advice given to diabetics from conventional physicians and dieticians is. The standard nutritional advice given to diabetics is not only insufficient--it is dangerous.

J would likely be dead by now had his nephrologist not referred him to me for an effective dietary approach.

More and more physicians are expressing their support and enthusiasm for the Eat To Live message.

I invite other physicians to come to my office and observe the spectacular results first hand. Those who have taken me up on the offer have often commented that the experience was actually more fruitful than anything they did in their residency training.

Try Eating to Live, and you’ll see … the human body is a marvelous healing machine, we only have to establish an optimal nutritional environment for healing and let the body do the “fixin.”